HKMA E-mail Alert

HKMA E-mail Alert is a free service that sends e-mail notifications of updates on this website. To sign up for the service, please fill in the subscription form, read the terms and conditions and click on the "Agree & Submit" button.

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    Categories of HKMA news to be subscribed to
    Terms and Conditions
    • The information you provide above will only be used for purposes related to the subscription of the HKMA E-mail Alert service (please also see the Personal Information Collection Statement). We will not attempt to identify individual users or their browsing activities except for the investigation of security incidents or abuses.
    • Upon submission of this page, you will receive an e-mail requesting confirmation of subscription. Please follow the instructions in the e-mail to complete the subscription process.
    • Upon completion of the subscription process, you can review or update information provided in this page from time to time.
    • If the HKMA e-mail alerts fail to reach you repeatedly, we may remove your registration from this service.